City College, Kolkata

श्रद्धावान लभते ज्ञानम
NAAC Accredited Degree College. Affiliated to University of Calcutta.


Mintenance of Library Collection

The books are acquired, processed, shelved and displayed for use.
  • Preservation of library materials:
    As of today, no special technique for preservation of documents is followed in the library except periodic dusting and cleaning of books and spraying pesticides. We have started preserving our rare documents in digital form by scanning and preserving them in CDs.
  • Library Audit:
    Stock verification and audit of books has been done on a regular basis. As on 31.03.2023 the numbers of books of the central library are as follows-
    Sl. No. Description of Fund No. of Books
    as on 31.03.2022
    Addition during
    01.04.2022 to 31.03.2023
    No. of Books
    as on 31.03.2023
    1. College Fund 29470 358 29828
    2. UGC Fund 10055 0 10055
    3. P. C. Roy Text Book Library 4115 0 4115
    4. UGC Text Book Library 720 0 720
    5. Book Bank 2483 0 2483
    6. Donated Book 271 54 325
    Total 47114 412 47526
  • Weeding out of old, torn out books:
    As a library is a growing organization, in order to make room for new additions, weeding out of old, torn out books of little contemporary relevance or historical value is vital. This is particularly important for an institution like ours. To begin with the task, we have earmarked and made a list of 4403 books for weeding out and are keeping them separately. We hope to begin the process of weeding out very soon.

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